Wray & Nephew White Overproof 750ml
Wray & Nephew是世界上銷量最高的高強度朗姆酒,幾乎每個牙買加家庭都會備有。它不僅是一種朗姆酒,更是牙買加文化、傳統和日常生活的固有部分,在英國,它代表著這個島嶼以及其人民的自豪、勇敢精神。
Wray & Nephew是一種多功能產品,當使用得當時,品牌複雜的芳香和獨特風味的表現使其成為製作雞尾酒的絕佳基酒,也是調製朗姆酒水果雞尾酒必不可少的配料。
Wray & Nephew是由蘇格蘭人查爾斯·約翰·雷在19世紀初定居於牙買加,並於1825年在該國首都金斯敦的酒館中首次混合朗姆酒。他很快開始裝瓶出售混合酒給島上其他酒館老闆,並於1862年贏得三枚金牌和倫敦國際展覽會。在這一年,他還與他的侄子查爾斯·詹姆斯·沃德組成了合夥企業,並改名為John Wray&Nephew。
在牙買加,Wray&Nephew White Overproof Rum不僅是一種飲料,它融入了牙買加文化,並通過牙買加人民社交生活的不同方面。Wray&Nephew將人們和社區聚集在一起,分享經驗。它是輕鬆社交場合的完美選擇。
Wray&Nephew White Overproof Rum和牙買加國旗上的黑綠金色一樣,是牙買加的一部分。
招牌酒:Wray&Grapefruit Soda
- 45ml Wray&Nephew White Overproof Rum
- 135ml葡萄柚蘇打水
將Wray&Nephew倒入裝滿冰塊的高球杯中,擠入一個檸檬楔。加入葡萄柚蘇打水,輕輕攪拌,並用檸檬片裝飾。 儘管其酒精度高達63%,但這款標誌性的組合旨在成為全天候享受的簡單美味選擇,並可在短時間內準備。
Wray & Newphew is the world's top-selling high strength rum and a staple in almost every Jamaican household. More than just a rum, it is an intrinsic part of Jamaican culture, tradition and everyday living and in the UK it represents the proud, bold spirit of the island and its people. Wray & Nephew is a versatile product and when used correctly the brand's complex bouquet and delivery of unique flavor characteristics make it an excellent base for cocktails and a must in punches.
Founded by Scotsman, Charles John Wray, who settled in Jamaica in the early 1800s and first blended rums at his tavern in Kingston, the capital of Jamaica, in 1825. He soon started bottling his blends to sell to other tavern keepers on the island and in 1862 won three gold medals and the London International Exhibition. During this year he also formed a partnership with his nephew, Charles James Ward, and the business became John Wray & Nephew.
In Jamaica, Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum is not just a drink, it infuses the culture of Jamaica and pours through different aspects of the Jamaican people's social lives as part of the ritual and everyday living.
Wray & Nephew brings people and communities together to share experiences. It is the perfect choice for light social occasions. Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum is as much a part of Jamaica as the black green and gold of the Country’s flag.
Signature Serve: Wray & Grapefruit Soda
- 45ml Wray & Nephew White Overproof Rum
- 135ml grapefruit soda
Pour Wray & Nephew into an ice-filled highball glass and squeeze a lime wedge into the glass. Top with Grapefruit soda. Gentle mix and garnish with a lime slice.
While presenting a high ABV of 63%, this iconic combination was made to be enjoyed throughout the day as a simple and delicious option that can be prepared in no time.