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Premium Osetra Caviar 50g

Premium Osetra Caviar 50g

庫存單位: FD0008

俄羅斯鱘(Acipenser gueldenstaedtii)需要18到20年的時間才能達到收穫成熟的3.2毫米至3.5毫米直徑魚子醬的年齡。只有少數幾個樣本產生必要的魚子醬,在一年中最寒冷的月份收穫。特別是,優質的奧塞特拉魚子醬具有更多的天然油脂,賦予魚子醬奢華的質地和更加豐富的口感,味道帶有持久的榛子風味。顏色從橄欖色到深棕色不等。


It takes between 18 to 20 years for the Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) to reach an age for harvesting the approximately 3.2 mm to 3.5 mm diameter roe from the more mature Osetra sturgeon.  Only a select few specimens produce the necessary roe which is harvested during the coldest months of the year.  In particular, the Premium Osetra caviar has more natural oils that impart a luxurious texture to the caviar and the taste is more "rich" than the Osetra caviar with long-lasting hazelnut infused flavour.  The color ranges from olive to dark brown.



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