Montelobos Mezcal Artesanal Tobala 700ml
Montelobos Tobala是一款未陳年的年輕龍舌蘭酒,採用精心栽培的龍舌蘭製成,並在地下烤製、野生發酵和小批量銅釜蒸餾,以實現綠色龍舌蘭、甜味和微妙煙燻的完美平衡。
Montelobos Tobala是在普埃布拉生產的,使用栽培的Maguey Tobala。它的故事始於Montelobos Mezcal的創始人伊萬·薩爾達納(Iván Saldaña)在普埃布拉遇到了種植Maguey Tobala超過15年的Alva家族。
自龍舌蘭酒的熱潮開始以來,Maguey Tobala就受到了開採的影響,從一開始,Montelobos就承諾只使用可持續的龍舌蘭,不開採野生Maguey。此外,Montelobos在種植龍舌蘭時也不使用農藥或除草劑。
Montelobos Tobala is an unaged joven mezcal, crafted from meticulously cultivated agave, which is roasted underground, wild fermented and small batch, copper pot distilled to achieve a perfect balance of green agave, sweetness and subtle smoke.
Montelobos Tobala is produced in Puebla using cultivated Maguey Tobala. Its story began when the founder of Montelobos Mezcal, Iván Saldaña, met the Alva family in Puebla who had been growing Maguey Tobala for over 15 years.
Maguey Tobala has been exploited since the Mezcal boom began and from the very beginning, Montelobos committed to only use sustainable agave that is 100% cultivated without exploiting wild Maguey. Additionally, Montelobos does not utilize pesticides or herbicides when farming agaves.