Montelobos Mezcal Artesanal Pechuga 700ml
Montelobos Pechuga是一種以火雞胸肉、季節水果和香料蒸餾的Mezcal Espadin。我們的Montelobos Pechuga是通過第三次蒸餾與火雞胸肉一起製成的,提供了一種精心選擇的香料和水果的感官體驗。Montelobos向瓦哈卡的傳統致敬,通過基於傳統形式和典型節慶食材的實驗來創造。
傳統上,像這樣的Pechuga Mezcal在慶祝活動中飲用,例如婚禮、Quinceañeras或其他慶祝活動。
Mezcal Espadin distilled with a turkey breast, seasonal fruits and spices. Our Montelobos Pechuga is produced from a third distillation with a turkey breast, providing a sensory experience of all the spices and fruits that have been meticulously selected. Montelobos pays homage to the traditions of Oaxaca with an experiment based on traditional forms and typical festive ingredients.
Traditionally, a Pechuga mezcal like this is drunken at celebrations like weddings, quinceañeras, or other celebratory events.