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 【$500免運費優惠】 | 新會員專享:

La Bargemone Cuvee Collection Rose BIO 2022 750ml

La Bargemone Cuvee Collection Rose BIO 2022 750ml

庫存單位: RO0016

標誌性的 Bargemone 瓶子:在放縱和溫和的張力之間呈現出美麗的複雜性,帶有柑橘和白肉水果的香氣。 餘韻悠長、花香、精緻。 對於這款葡萄酒,與我們的整個系列系列一樣,我們選擇了位於圖盧布河附近的非常特定的地塊,以獲得在涼爽和溫帶氣候下成熟的葡萄。 我們在晚上收穫,保持漿果的新鮮度。 然後,我們對葡萄進行冷壓,並將果汁在低溫下保存約 20 天。 這些葡萄品種分別釀造,並在十二月進行混合。


酒精含量:13% Vol.


The iconic Bargemone bottle: a beautiful complexity between indulgence and gentle tension, with notes of citrus and white-fleshed fruits. A long, floral, and delicate finish. For this wine, as with our entire Collection range, we select very specific parcels located near the Touloubre river to obtain grapes that have matured in a cool and temperate climate. We harvest at night, preserving the freshness of the berries. Then, we cold-press the grapes and keep our juices at low temperatures for approximately 20 days. Vinified separately, the grape varieties are blended in December.

Grape Varieties:Grenache, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Rolle
Alcohol Content:13% Vol.
Appearance:Pale pink



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