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Gustave Lorentz Grand Cru Riesling “Vielles Vignes” 2018

Gustave Lorentz Grand Cru Riesling “Vielles Vignes” 2018

庫存單位: WW0083

這款酒採用 100% 雷司令葡萄釀製而成,產自 Gustave Lorentz 擁有的 Altenberg of Bergheim 葡萄園的特級葡萄園。 該地區的土壤以粘土和石灰岩為主; 釀造這款酒的葡萄藤非常古老,年齡在 30 歲之間
50歲。 阿爾滕貝格 (Altenberg) 是貝格海姆 (Bergheim) 葡萄種植者的驕傲,自 13 世紀末以來一直以其優質葡萄酒而聞名。 阿爾滕堡特級園葡萄酒以其微妙、獨特的香氣和強勁、陽剛的酒體之間的完美平衡而聞名。 它們是卓越的美食葡萄酒。


This wine is produced from 100 % Riesling grapes from the classified Grand Cru site of the Altenberg of Bergheim vineyard owned by Gustave Lorentz. The dominant soil of this area is clay and limestone; the vines from which this wine is produced are very old, between 30
and 50 years old. The pride of Bergheim winegrowers, the Altenberg has been renowned for its fine wines since the end of 13th century. Altenberg Grand Cru wines are remarkable for the perfect balance between their subtle, distinguished aroma and their powerful, virile body. They are gastronomic wines par excellence.



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