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Grand Marnier Révélation Grande Cuvée 700ml
  • Grand Marnier Révélation Grande Cuvée 700ml

    自1880年成立以來,法國的利口酒Grand Marnier以其大膽地將干邑和Bigaradia橙精華結合而聞名於世。通過使用XXO干邑和僅僅一點點的Bigaradia精華,Grand Marnier在Grand Cuvée révélation中提升了這種組合。這款稀有的干邑只需加入一點點這種高品質香料成分,這種成分在精緻香水中非常受追捧,因為它具有獨特的香氣。


    The French liquor Grand Marnier has been world famous since its early days in 1880, for audaciously marrying Cognac and Bigaradia orange essence. With Grand Cuvée révélation, Grand Marnier elevates this assemblage, by using XXO Cognac and only a dash of Bigaradia essence. The Rare Cognac is perfected with just a touch of this high-quality fragranced ingredient, high sought-for in fine fragrances for its unique scent.



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