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Grand Marnier Quintessence Crystal 700ml
  • Grand Marnier Quintessence Crystal 700ml

    精美配方:Quintessence 以獨家使用巴加拉迪亞(bigaradia)橙在干邑中浸泡和雙重蒸餾,按照品牌檔案中的古老配方製作。橙在干邑中的浸泡提升了巴加拉迪亞橙的風味,使其濃度、香氣和口感倍增。


    獨特性:Quintessence 是以Grand Marnier最古老的庫存為基礎,呈現出最獨特和獨一無二的形式。它由高達70年的Hors d'Age干邑組成,全部來自干邑的第一產區Grande Champagne。這款混合酒完全來自於11桶選擇精心的干邑,其中包括2桶來自1947年和3個來自Paradis的大瓶,我們相信它們甚至更古老。


    完美的合作:與酒液的品質相匹配的是水晶瓶,每個都是由Baccarat Maison手工製作的,該品牌被授予法國最佳工匠的最高榮譽。


    AN EXQUISITE RECIPE: Quintessence uses bigaradia oranges exclusively macerated in cognac and double distilled, according to an old recipe from the brand's archive. The maceration in cognac elevates the bigaradia's flavor, doubling up its concentration, scent, and refined taste.


    EXCLUSIVITY: The liquid taken to its most exclusive and singular form, Quintessence is made of Grand Marnier's oldest reserves: up to 70 years old Hors d'Age cognacs, exclusively from Grande Champagne, Cognac's first cru. The blend comes exclusively from 11 selected barrels, including 2 from 1947, and 3 damejeane from the Paradis, which we believe fo be even older.


    PERFECT PARTNERSHIP: Complementing the quality of the liquid is the crystal carafe, each unique and handmade by Baccarat Maison, honored as Les Meilleurs Artisans de France (the highest award celebrating the best craffsmen of France).



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