Giesen Estate 0% Sauvignon Blanc NV 750ml
Crafted to provide an alcohol-removed option that exhibits typical Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc characteristics with 85% less calories than regular Sauvignon Blanc!
Perfect with fresh seasonal salads, linguine with clams, or strawberries with lemon juice & mint
We create premium full-strength New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, before using advanced spinning cone technology to gently remove first the aroma, and then the alcohol.
We collect the delicate aroma and recombine it with the wine to maintain its distinctive nose.
The final blend is a dry, refreshing style of non-alcoholic wine with low calories, containing no more than 0.5% alc/vol.
產品名稱: | Giesen Estate 0% Sauvignon Blanc |
釀酒年份: | NV |
容量: | 750ml |
國家: | New Zealand |
地區: | Marlborough |
類型: | White Wine |