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Drappier Brut Nature N.V.

Drappier Brut Nature N.V.

庫存單位: CH0090

Drappier 位於於維爾的酒窖由克萊爾沃修道院(Clairvaux Abbey) 的西多會僧侶建造,是香檳地區最古老的酒窖之一,其歷史可追溯至1152 年。該酒莊成立於1808 年,以其以黑皮諾為主的葡萄酒而聞名,並且極少使用硫磺和劑量。 該莊園擁有 53 公頃(131 英畝)的葡萄園土地,並與當地種植者簽訂合同,種植另外 50 公頃(124 英畝)的葡萄園。 黑皮諾 (Pinot Noir) 在奧布 (Aube) 地區茁壯成長,是德雷皮爾 (Drappier) 種植園的主要品種。


酒精度 12%



Drappier's Urville-based cellars were constructed by Cistercian monks from Clairvaux Abbey and are among the oldest in Champagne, dating back to 1152. The house, founded in 1808, is known for its Pinot Noir-dominant wines, and its minimal use of sulfur and dosage. The estate owns 53 hectares (131 acres) of vineyard land, and farms another 50ha (124 acres) in contractual arrangements with local growers. Pinot Noir thrives in the Aube and makes up the bulk of Drappier's plantings.

Grape variety: pinot noir

ABV 12%




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