Charles de Cazanove Vintage 2016
庫存單位: CH0101
16世紀,一個手工玻璃世家舉家遷至當時的玻璃之都——威尼斯,並將家族姓氏冠以新的名字 “Casanova (法文:Cazanove)”,意為“新的家園”,這便是Cazanove家族姓氏的由來。1811年,年僅24歲的 Charles Gabriel De Cazanove 在白丘 Côte des Blanc 中心地帶創立了這一家族品牌。經過四個世代的傳承,200年的歷史長河中Champagne Charles de Cazanove 憑藉其出色的酒款受到各方認可,曾先後隸屬於Martini & Rossi 及Groupe Moët – Hennessy(LVMH) 集團。直到2004年,酒莊決定回歸家族產業,專注於打造真正屬於 Cazanove 精神的品牌香檳。In the 16th century, a handmade glass family moved to Venice, the capital of glass at that time, and gave the family a new name "Casanova (French: Cazanove)", which means "new home". This is Cazanove. The origin of the family name.
In 1811, 24-year-old Charles Gabriel De Cazanove founded this family brand in the heart of the Côte des Blanc.
After four generations of inheritance and a 200-year history, Champagne Charles de Cazanove has been recognized by all parties for its outstanding wines. It has been part of the Martini & Rossi and Groupe Moët – Hennessy (LVMH) groups. It was not until 2004 that the winery decided to return to the family business and focus on creating a brand of champagne that truly belongs to the spirit of Cazanove.
HK$468.00 一般價格