Campari Bitter 750 ml
這是眾所周知且深受喜愛的多種經典雞尾酒的必備成分,如Negroni和Americano - 這兩款雞尾酒都列在國際調酒師協會(IBA)的官方飲品列表中。此外,它還非常適合於簡單的混合雞尾酒,如Campari Spritz和Campari Tonic,通過其引人入勝且獨特的口味為它們賦予特色。
How to drink Campari
Campari is more than a premium spirit obtained from the infusion of bitter herbs, aromatic plants, fruit and water, it is a drinking experience. With its vibrant red colour, intense aroma and inspiring flavour, it has always been a symbol of intrigue and pleasure for the taste.
Multilayered and sophisticated icon like Milano, its hometown. A multifaceted, leading-edge city, modern and historic at the same time, classical and avant-garde, entrepreneurial, pleasure-loving and creative.
That’s why it has been a source of passionate inspiration since 1860, when its founders’ creative genius invented the inimitable and secret recipe that has never changed in time and makes Campari an extremely versatile spirit, offering limitless and unexpected possibilities to create and experiment with mixology.
It’s an essential ingredient for a variety of well-known and loved classic cocktails, like Negroni and Americano – both listed in the IBA official drinks list. Moreover, it fits well in easy mixed cocktails such as Campari Spritz and Campari Tonic, characterising them, thanks to its intriguing and unmistakable taste.