Appleton Estate 21 Year Old Nassau Valley Casks Jamaica Rum 750ml
Appleton Estate 21 Year Old Nassau Valley Casks是以牙買加的心臟地帶納薩瓦爾谷(Nassau Valley)命名。該谷地位於海拔400英尺的地方,是世界上僅有的三個座鍋孔灰岩區之一,為我們的莊園收穫的甘蔗提供了經過精美過濾的水源。Appleton Estate是世界上最古老的蒸餾廠之一,也是世界上最偉大的陳年朗姆酒系列之一的自豪守護者。
21 Year Old Nassau Valley Casks由稀有且手工選擇的鍋爐和柱塔式蒸餾朗姆酒組成,使用牙買加石灰岩過濾的水製作而成,不添加任何口味,並在牙買加的熱帶氣候中至少陳釀了21年。在我們的21年陳釀中,相當於在溫帶氣候下陳年超過60年的非凡時間。
21 Year Old Nassau Valley Casks展現出一種花香氣息,逐漸發展成獨特的成熟堅果香氣,帶有深厚的香草、柔和的橙皮、豐富的肉豆蔻、活潑的杏仁、溫暖的咖啡和可可香氣。要享受21 Year Old,您可以在一個矮杯中品味它,添加一滴經過石灰岩過濾的水和一塊70%的牙買加黑巧克力。
• 2021年,鉑金獎,96分 - Beverage Tasting Institute
• 2019年,97分,百大烈酒 - Wine Enthusiast
• 2019年,98分,主席獎杯 - Ultimate Spirits Challenge
Appleton Estate 21 Year Old Nassau Valley Casks is named after the heart of Jamaica, the Nassau Valley. The Valley sits 400 ft above sea level in one of only three cockpit karsts in the world, providing beautifully filtered waters to our Estate-harvested cane. Appleton Estate is one of the world’s oldest distilleries, and proud guardian to one of the world’s greatest collections of aged rum.
The rare and hand-selected pot and column still rums that make up the 21 Year Old Nassau Valley Casks are crafted with Jamaican limestone-filtered water, with no added flavours, and have all been aged for a minimum of 21 years in the tropical climate of Jamaica. The extraordinary equivalent of over 60 years of ageing in a temperate climate is achieved in our 21 years.
The 21 Year Old Nassau Valley Casks reveals a floral scent that develops into a unique mature nutty bouquet, with notes of deep vanilla, mellow orange peel, rich nutmeg, vibrant almond, warm coffee, and cocoa. To enjoy 21 Year Old, you may wish to savour it neat, in a snifter, with the addition of a single drop of limestonefiltered water and a bite of 70% dark Jamaican chocolate.
• 2021, Platinum, 96 Points - Beverage Tasting Institute
• 2019, 97 Points, Top 100 Spirits - Wine Enthusiast
• 2019, 98 Points, Chairman’s Trophy - Ultimate Spirits Challenge